trans-o-flex supplies Bavarian primary and special schools with PCR tests: As is already the case in North Rhine-Westphalia, trans-o-flex has now also been commissioned by Schubert Medizinprodukte to supply PCR pool tests to schools in Bavaria. This means that all primary and special schools in the Free State will initially receive PCR pool tests for their pupils twice a week until the end of February 2022. That is more than 20,000 individual deliveries. “To date, we have not restricted our service at any time throughout the entire coronavirus pandemic, but have demonstrated our special expertise and reliability in all aspects of transporting medicines and other sensitive goods,” says Wolfgang P. Albeck, CEO of trans-o-flex. “As a result, numerous customers are now approaching us with new or repeat orders because they can rely on us to comply with the EU GDP rules for healthcare products.” More information on the supply of PCR tests to primary and special schools in Bavaria >