trans-o-flex Whistleblowing system
At trans-o-flex, fostering a transparent corporate culture is a top priority. For this reason, we encourage everyone who works for our company to disclose irregularities.
Our whistleblower platform offers all members of staff of the trans-o-flex enterprise group, and also those employed with our system and transport partners, the opportunity to disclose irregularities and misconduct securely and confidentially.
How may disclosures be made?
Information on our channels for making disclosures may be found on the intranet. In addition, at our company locations, there are noticeboards which detail the various options available for making disclosures. We guarantee that, in every case, your identity will be protected, as well as the confidentiality of any information disclosed.
Besides using our whistleblower platform, there is also the option of making disclosures to external reporting points at a Federal level – the German Federal Ministry for Justice, the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, and the Federal Cartel Office – as well as of making disclosures to external reporting points at a state level (Bundesland), if these are available and have the relevant competence.
Disclosures as per the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)
Compliance with ethical principles and responsibility for sustainable action are central for trans-o-flex. With a view to improving protection of human rights and environmental standards in the area of our own commercial activity and throughout our supply chain, we have set up a complaints procedure which fulfils the requirements of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG).
In the following code of procedure, you will find all essential information on our complaints procedure for disclosures as per the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG).