Environment & Responsibility in Logistics

Environment & Responsibility in Logistics


Whether ointment or painkiller, vaccine or cancer drug: At trans-o-flex, the transport of pharmaceuticals, medical goods and technical equipment of the pharmaceutical industry is a passion. Our logistics help to alleviate pain and fight disease. In addition to medicines, trans-o-flex uses its express networks to transport many other high-quality and sensitive goods that must reach their destination just as quickly, but above all just as reliably and undamaged. Careful handling of all goods entrusted to us is a top priority for trans-o-flex. This attitude applies not only to goods. The company has consciously committed itself to respectful, sensitive and responsible treatment of employees, customers, suppliers and goods. This also applies to the resources we consume. We are proud of this and are happy to show how we live this responsibility.

For our goal of climate friendliness, we at trans-o-flex are taking a consistent approach


At trans-o-flex, environmental protection is part of a comprehensive sustainability strategy based on three equally important aspects for our future viability.

  • ecological
  • economic
  • social

As a transport company, we are aware of the challenges involved and know that it is in our own interest to lay the foundations of our business tomorrow with our actions today. Continuously improving environmental compatibility is therefore an integral part of all our services.

co2de green: CO2-neutral shipping with trans-o-flex


Environmental priority

In line with our ESG goals, we act in the most environmentally compatible way possible. This starts with buildings with geothermal systems, our switch to green electricity, area-wide energy and water-saving measures, waste separation and reusable systems. It continues with vehicle technology to reduce carbon emissions, nitrogen oxides and other particulate matter, exhaust gas purification systems and filter systems. It continues with driver training, optimized route and deployment plans, and support for other environmental projects.

We have established a whole team so that we can fulfill our responsibility and our children and grandchildren can grow up in an environment that is as suitable for life as possible. And that is just the beginning!

We invest in sustainability – together with you


Our diverse investments in all areas of the company focus on energy efficiency, the use of renewable energies and the avoidance of negative impacts on the environment.

Here’s how:

With the co2de green program, we acquire certificates from recognized climate protection projects that have already demonstrably offset greenhouse gases. All unavoidable carbon emissions caused by our actions are offset again – 100%! With co2de green, we offer our customers the opportunity to support climate protection in a simple and unbureaucratic way. In this way, everyone benefits from an efficient and transparent social system solution.

By participating in the co2de green program, you as a customer and your customers benefit several times over:

  • You improve your company’s carbon footprint: because we document how much emissions were generated by your goods transports at trans-o-flex and how they were compensated.
  • With the CO2 floater you get a transparent and comprehensible solution. You can find the calculation of the CO2 factor below.
  • Through your commitment, you show your customers your contribution to the environment on the shipping label. With the lettering “Transport carried out CO2-neutral” this commitment becomes visible.

In this way, we jointly increase trans-o-flex quality – simply, reliably and quickly – and additionally create compensation together with you for the carbon emissions caused.

Transparency with the co2de green program

Thanks to our emissions balancing, we know the carbon emissions of our transport services and offer our customers the best solution for their transports with the co2de green program.



As a business customer, you can receive a certificate as proof of sustainable shipping on request. In this way, you can visibly demonstrate your commitment to the sustainable shipping of your goods transports and document in your sustainability reports that you are also having a positive impact on your climate footprint.

Calculation of the CO2 floater


The CO2 floater is an index-based value that documents our commitment in a transparent and sustainable way. For this purpose, we determine a so-called “CO2 factor” per transported ton of weight from all emissions triggered by our goods traffic and the weights transported with it. We then use this CO2 factor to determine the carbon emissions per customer. By combining the factor value with the weights transported in each case, we obtain the basis for evaluating the necessary compensation contribution per kg of weight. The advantage is obvious: We strive to constantly lower the CO2 factor through intelligent measures, modern technology and environmentally conscious actions. In short, if the factor falls, the cost of offsetting emissions falls. This is what drives us to act sustainably. The basis for calculating these offset costs are the emissions prices of the national Emissions Trading Scheme (nEHS), which are set by the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) at the Federal Environment Agency of the German government.

Why is the CO2 factor higher with trans-o-flex ThermoMed?

  • The ThermoMed service network (2-8 °C transports) has higher technical requirements overall.
  • The raw material consumption of the vehicles used in this network is increased due to the higher cooling capacity.
  • The network layout, to reduce handling processes of sensitive goods, generates a higher average mileage per transported good.

Composition of emissions:

  • Carbon emissions from our buildings incl. those of trans-o-flex Logistik-Service
  • Consumption by district heating
  • Air conditioning refrigerant
  • Carbon emissions of all vehicles, all tours incl. empty runs, to/from German border
  • Gas consumption / oil consumption
  • Local transport, long-distance transport, direct transport, company cars or rental vehicles
  • Carbon emissions for exports are included up to the “incoming depot” of the respective country

Which projects do we support with co2de green?


Southpole projects in Indonesia & India

Because the climate killer Carbon dioxide knows no boundaries, trans-o-flex offsets transport-related carbon emissions via recognized projects that meet high sustainability standards. Last year, for example, 1,787 tons of carbon emissions were already offset through cooperation with the organization Southpole. This was done via two Southpole projects in Indonesia and India. Both projects generate clean energy from hydropower. They avoid the emission of 685,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents each year. In addition, the projects promote the development goals of the United Nations and, for example, create more than 100 new jobs locally. The project in India is certified to Gold Standard, the highest international benchmark for sustainable development.

The projects supported by trans-o-flex not only reduce carbon emissions, but also have a demonstrably comprehensive, sustainable impact. For example, they have created jobs and thus enabled local development.

Conversion of the vehicle fleet to eMobility

We are converting our fleet of vehicles and company cars to zero- and low-emission models – both the fleet of our transport partners and our own company car fleet.

We are also creating the necessary charging infrastructures at our sites for the ongoing expansion of eMobility: Cool, lighter, quieter and more sustainable.

Purchase of green electricity

Environmental protection and sustainable action are important to us. That is why we strive to ensure that we, too, make our contribution to a climate-neutral future.

This year, too, we are purchasing only green electricity, 100% of which is generated in Scandinavian hydroelectric power plants. By purchasing it through our energy supplier MVV Energie, we are doing our part to act in a more environmentally neutral way: By purchasing green electricity, trans-o-flex reduces carbon emissions by a good 4,000 metric tons.

Together with you, we want to make our world a little better.

We conduct customer surveys on a regular basis. For every piece of feedback from our customers who take part in our customer survey, we donate 10 euros as a thank you.

In cooperation with the Click A Tree organization, we can plant two trees for each of these responses.

Special attention is paid to sustainability: By participating in the surveys, you create habitat for endangered species, combat climate change and create jobs for local communities: trans-o-flex plants 1,257 trees after customer survey

Orange Days: Oranges taste much better this way!


The Orange Days campaign has been launched in line with trans-o-flex’s sustainability strategy. On Orange Days, all trans-o-flex branches are supplied with organic oranges.

Our cooperation with the organisation CrowdFarming makes it possible to buy the oranges directly from their producers in Spain. In addition, CrowdFarming offers individual “company gardens”. Now we also have a trans-o-flex garden in which 200 trees are tended and harvested according to high organic standards (Demeter).

Other reasons why we chose this organisation:

  • The farmers are paid a fair price for their products.
  • Environmentally conscious cultivation techniques, responsible use of water and sustainable packaging are used.
  • They ship most products in recycled cardboard boxes and do not ship individual portions at all to save on packaging.
  • At CrowdFarming, produce is transported exclusively overland to cut CO2 emissions as far as possible. This is because fruit is often transported by air freight, which is associated with a higher carbon footprint.
  • In total, CrowdFarming now supports 260 farmers in 8 countries.

The cooperation with CrowdFarming illustrates just how economic growth can work hand in hand with environmental and socio-economic impacts. That is why the entire handling and financing of our company garden project are extremely transparent.

50% of the price we pay goes directly to the farmers Cortijo la Palmosa and Doña Ana for growing and harvesting the oranges. This provides security for the farmers, and they can continue to grow oranges in an environmentally friendly way.

You can find more information about the project here: trans-o-flex’s cooperation with CrowdFarming

Customer feedback makes trees grow: Over 2,600 trees planted in two years


trans-o-flex offers its customers who participate in customer surveys not only the opportunity to provide feedback and thus improve the company’s services and processes, but also the chance to contribute to the planting of trees. As a thank-you for each piece of feedback, the company plants two trees in cooperation with the organization click a tree.

In 2022, a total of 1,406 new trees were planted and cared for in Ghana thanks to customer participation in the surveys. Together with the 1,257 trees from 2021, this brings the total number of trees planted in the last two years to 2,663 thanks to customer feedback.

trans-o-flex Click a Tree
Urkunde trans-o-flex von click a tree

Sustainability Report 2022

The Sustainability Report 2022 provides a comprehensive overview of the economic and ecological development of our company and its social responsibility.

Guardrails for clear decisions


The Code of Conduct and Ethics summarizes our guidelines and principles for value- and law-compliant behavior in everyday business. The Code of Conduct forms a binding framework for action for all employees of trans-o-flex – regardless of their tasks or position. The Compliance department (write email) is available to our employees as a point of contact for concerns or questions.

trans-o-flex our code of conduct

Code of Conduct

How we act and conduct our business

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